It is the mission of the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO) to have the Office of Inspector General (OIG) provide timely and professional auditing, investigative, and review of services as well as assessments of management functions to promote the integrity, economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of BSO’s activities, programs, and services.
The Office of the Inspector General does not investigate specific instances of employee misconduct; rather, it reviews processes and identifies areas for improvement agency-wide based on the OIG mission. For complaints alleging employee misconduct, please contact the Internal Affairs Unit.
To learn more about the Inspector General,
click here.
Whistle-blower complaints may be filed with BSO’s Inspector General. When filing a Whistle-blower complaint with the Inspector General, OIG staff will contact the complainant by telephone to conduct a pre-interview and obtain the information needed to determine whether the complaint meets Whistle-blower criteria.
Whistle-blower criteria is defined by Florida Statute
§§ 112.3187-112.31895. To become a Whistle-blower and be given the protections outlined in the Whistle-blower’s Act, the complainant and information disclosed must meet the following criteria:
- The complainant must be a current or former employee or vendor of the Broward Sheriff’s Office
- The information in the complaint must be one of the following:
- An alleged or suspected violation of any federal, state, or local law, rule, or regulation committed by an employee or a contracted vendor. The violation committed must create and present a substantial and specific danger to the public’s health, safety, or welfare;
- An alleged or suspected act of gross mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, gross waste of public funds, fraud or abuse, or gross neglect of duty committed by an employee or contracted vendor.
Contact Us/Filing a Complaint
To file a complaint alleging fraud, waste, and abuse within the Broward Sheriff’s Office:
Online: | Click here to file a complaint with the Office of the Inspector General
By phone: | 954-831-8982
By mail: | Broward Sheriff’s Office - Attn: Office of the Inspector General 2601 West Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312