Intake & Release Process

Individuals who have been placed under arrest are first transported to Broward Sheriff's Office Central Intake Bureau, which is located at the Main Jail in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. Upon arrival, they must complete the following steps:

  • Property Intake
  • Medical Screening
  • Fingerprinting
  • Photographing
  • Warrants Check

While the staff at Central Intake Bureau is dedicated to ensuring the prompt processing and release of eligible arrestees, the amount of time required to complete this process may be affected by the volume of arrestees being processed simultaneously and/or the availability of information from state and national databases.

Appearance in Magistrate Court

Arrestees who are not bonded out of jail appear before a magistrate judge the day following the arrest (including Saturdays and Sundays). Proceedings usually begin at 8 a.m., however this depends upon the presiding judge. The judge will inform the arrestee of the charge(s) and, if appropriate, will set a bond amount.

In misdemeanor cases, the judge may accept a guilty plea and release the arrestee on his or her own recognizance or for time-served.

Magistrate proceedings may be viewed on the monitor located in the lobby of BSO's Main Jail.

BSO Jail Facilities and Mailing Addresses

Main Jail
555 SE 1st Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Mailing Address:
PO Box 9356
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310

The Joseph V. Conte Facility
1351 NW 27th Ave.
Pompano Beach, FL 33069

Mailing Address:
PO Box 407016
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340-7016

North Broward Bureau
1550 Blount Rd.
Pompano Beach, FL 33069

Mailing Address:
PO Box 407037
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340

Stockade Facility
5400 NW 9th Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309

Mailing Address:
PO Box 407065
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340

Paul Rein Detention Facility
2421 NW 16th Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33069

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 407003
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33340

Public Safety Building
2601 W. Broward Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 9507
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310

Care Pack

A Care Pack may be purchased online through Access SecurePak or by phone at 800-546-6283. Care Pack purchase is restricted to one (1) care pack every seven (7) days.  Order cycle is based on when the order is placed, not received. 

Charge(s) & Bond Information

Information about an arrestee's charge(s) and bond is available online through our Arrest Search. You can also call (954) 831-5900 or visit the information window, which is open 24-hours-a-day, located in the lobby of BSO's Main Jail.

Death Notification of an Inmate Family Member

Notifying an inmate of the death of a family member is arranged through the Chaplain's Office.

Housing Assignments

Individuals who are not released on bond are assigned to one of four BSO jails based upon objective criteria. This criteria ensures that inmates are housed in the least restrictive and safest unit possible based upon level of security required. Housing assignments are not made based on proximity to an inmate's home, but rather on the premise of assigning an inmate to the jail facility that can best meet his or her needs.

Inmate Activities, Services & Programs

Inmates are permitted to watch television and are provided with reading material to occupy free time. Weather permitting, inmates may also take part in outside recreation and use exercise equipment.

BSO's Department of Detention & Community Programs provides a variety of programs and services to inmates, including:

  • Adult Basic Education
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
  • Cocaine Anonymous
  • Commissary
  • GED Preparation & Testing
  • Juvenile Programs
  • Library Services
  • Life Skills Program
  • Medical Services
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
  • Pre-Release Planning
  • Religious Services & Counseling
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Training
  • Substance Abuse Program
  • Veterans Group
  • Work Release Programs

Inmate Health Services

Medical issues only. For information on the status of a sick or injured inmate:

  • Stockade (954) 831-5384
  • Main Jail (954) 831-5938
  • North Broward Bureau (954) 831-3509
  • Joseph V. Conte Facility (954) 831-6830
  • Paul Rein Detention Facility (954) 831-5400

Additional information about these programs is available from detention deputies within the facility.

Release of Inmate Property

Inmate property can be released to family or friends after an inmate completes a property voucher specifying the intended recipient. Property may be picked up between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., seven-days-a-week, at the BSO jail facility where the inmate is housed. A government-issued photo ID is required to receive the property.