Academic Internship Program

The Broward Sheriff's Office offers unpaid internships to undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in public safety, such as law enforcement, detention, community control, and administration. Our internship program allows students to get quality hands-on experience while also providing an opportunity to explore a career with the agency.

The Broward Sheriff's Office Internship Program is available throughout the year in conjunction with academic semesters: spring (January-April), summer (May-August) and fall (September-December). It is recommended that students submit the application 10 - 12 weeks prior to the semester they wish to begin the internship to allow ample time to complete the selection process.


Interested students must meet the following qualifications at the time of application in order to be considered for the program:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must be currently working on an undergraduate or graduate degree in any field related to the functions of a large public safety organization.
  • Must be fulfilling an academic credit.
  • A minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA is preferred.

How to Apply

Submit the completed Academic Internship Application and all required documents to the Internship Coordinator Blanca Adornos.

Applications can be submitted by mail to Bureau of Human Resources, 2601 West Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 or by e-mail to

Interns who qualify will be subject to an extensive selection process and screening program, which may include, but not be limited to evaluation of academic record, interview(s); polygraph examination; background check; and drug screen.

It is recommended that students submit the application 10 - 12 weeks prior to the semester they wish to begin the internship to allow ample time to complete the selection process. The Broward Sheriff's Office has a limited number of internships available per semester and placement into an internship is not guaranteed.