Are solicitations available for download?
Yes. c allows vendors to electronically download solicitations. However, registration with BidSync to do so is required. Once registered, vendors will receive notices of new business opportunities for commodities selected during the registration process. Please note that this registration is free.
How are proposals submitted?
BidSync allows vendors to electronically submit proposals. However, registration with BidSync to do so is required. Additionally, the Broward Sheriff's Office will only accept proposals through BidSync. Proposals sent through any other means including mail, fax, or email will not be considered.
Is there a fee to register with BidSync?
No. The electronic bidding system is free to vendors through s Links program when you select "Free Registration." Although BidSync does offer a subscription (for a fee), this is not supported or required to do business with the Broward Sheriff's Office.
What if my bid is late?
It is the bidder's responsibility to insure that a bid/proposal is submitted in BidSync prior to the time and date specified in the solicitation document. No bids can be submitted in BidSync after the due date and time. Bidders should allow for sufficient time prior to bid closing to submit their bid and upload all supporting documents.
I have a question regarding the specifications; can I get an answer from the buyer?
Any question concerning the bid should be submitted through BidSync through the question and answer section. No interpretation should be binding, unless provided to you through BidSync. Please note final date and time to submit questions through BidSync.
Will I get a signed contract from the Broward County Sheriff's Office?
Not always. The Bid Acknowledgement Form, containing the vendor's electronic signature, constitutes an offer to the Broward County Sheriff's Office. If the solicitation does not state that an agreement will be issued, the Purchase Order, containing the signature of the Purchasing Agent, constitutes the acceptance of the offer and together, these documents are binding agreements.
We are registered as a vendor with Broward County. Do we still need to fill out a vendor application with the Broward County Sheriff's Office?
No. As both the Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) and Broward County provide an electronic bidding system through BidSync, vendors who register through c are automatically registered as a vendor for BSO and Broward County.
The Invitation to Bid document has a recommendation to attend a pre-bid meeting and site visit. Do I really need to do that?
Mandatory pre-bid or pre-proposal meetings must be attended by a representative of your firm. Failure to do so will result in rejection of your bid or proposal. Some pre-bid conferences and site visits are not mandatory; however, in order to offer a responsible proposal, you should attend these meetings. Ignorance of existing conditions is not an acceptable excuse for non-performance at a later date. Take every opportunity to get to know the project or need. The solicitation document will state if the pre-bid meeting is mandatory or if it is not-mandatory.
What does it mean, "taking exception" to a bid specification?
Whenever you deviate from a clause or specification in the bid document, it will almost always disqualify your proposal. What that tells the Purchasing Agent is that your firm cannot comply with the minimum requirements of the bid. When your proposal exceeds the minimum requirements, this is not considered "taking exception."
What is the threshold (dollar value of goods) for Formal Sealed Solicitations?
The current threshold for formal sealed solicitations is $50,000.
How can I obtain a tally sheet (bid tabulation), so I know what the other bids were?
This information is available on BidSync. Bid results are exempt from s. 119.07(7) and s. 23(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and as a result will be available 30 days after bid opening or upon intended decision of award whichever is earlier. Bid results will not be given out by telephone, facsimile transmission or e-mail.